Chrissy Houlahan, a U.S. Congress member representing Pennsylvania’s 6th district, has recently voiced her concerns on social media regarding the actions of President Trump and his administration. Her posts highlight several issues she believes are affecting the nation, from executive orders to military decisions.
On January 29, 2025, Houlahan urged those affected by recent executive orders issued by President Trump to share their stories. She stated: "Help us tell the real story: If you are affected by the spending freeze or any of the other 300 Executive Orders issued by President Trump in the past ten days, please share your story here."
Later that day, she criticized actions taken against General Mark Milley. Houlahan remarked: "Stripping Gen. Mark Milley's protective detail & security clearance doesn't do anything for American military 'lethality.' Nor does removing his portraits from the Pentagon." She appealed to the Secretary of Defense to focus on more pressing national security matters rather than what she described as "petty grievances."
On January 30, 2025, Houlahan warned against complacency following the withdrawal of an Office of Management and Budget memo by the Trump Administration. She commented: "Don't be satisfied with the Trump Administration's withdrawal of the OMB memo. President Trump and his allies still want to defund every service and program they can and will be back with a new version of the spending freeze with fewer legal holes."