
Central Chester Today

Saturday, March 8, 2025

CHESTER County is home to 466 White inmates in April

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466 White inmates were incarcerated in CHESTER County in April, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

This is an increase of 14 over the month before.

Michael Jose Shorts, a 19-year-old White man, was the youngest inmate in CHESTER County in April.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in CHESTER County in April

Aaron C. MillsBlack
Aaron Jermaine HumphreyBlack
Aaron Maurice Bynum-HamiltonBlack
Aaron Melquan BoldenBlack
Adam Richard WalkerWhite
Adam Terry HathawayBlack
Adam Wayne JacksonBlack
Adrian KahlWhite
Ahmad Jamal ThomasBlack
Ahmed Mostafa ElgaafaryWhite
Albert EdwardsBlack
Alberto AndrewsWhite
Alec James TurekWhite
Alejandro Aquino-VaqueroWhite
Alejandro Garcia-CisnerosWhite
Alejandro Sanchez-TorresWhite
Alex James BedzelaWhite
Alex Mathew ValdezWhite
Alex VillaWhite
Alexander BoitsovWhite
Alexander Charles GipeWhite
Alexander OrtizWhite
Alexander William GrangerWhite
Alexis AcevedoWhite
Alfredo SantiagoWhite
Allen Wayne ChmielewskiWhite
Alonso RodriguezWhite
Amado Perez-TorrezWhite
Andra Ray SmithBlack
Andre FiorentinoBlack
Andre HughesBlack
Andre J. RiveraBlack
Andre Marquise McDanielsBlack
Andre Maurice LondonBlack
Andre Maurice SheltonWhite
Andre Rashodd SmithBlack
Andres Miguel MoralesWhite
Andrew J. MacHeletteWhite
Andrew Manuel RiveraWhite
Andrew Michael JoynerBlack
Andrew Nathaniel BinghamWhite
Andrew Robert AndradeWhite
Andrew Robert PetersonWhite
Angel Diaz-RodriguezWhite
Angel Luis ValentineWhite
Angel R. ColonWhite
Anthony Christophe BrownBlack
Anthony GroveBlack
Anthony James BrightwellBlack
Anthony Kenneth BoggsBlack
Anthony Michael RojasWhite
Anthony R. SkeltonBlack
Anthony R. ToddWhite
Anthony Turner-SmithBlack
Anthony Wayne SidesWhite
Anthony WhiteBlack
Antoine K. FreemanBlack
Antonio R. BellBlack
Antonio ThomasBlack
Antonio V CartagenaWhite
Antowyne D. CharlesWhite
Ardle D. WinglerWhite
Arnold HendersonBlack
Artemio Garcia-AlanizWhite
Ashaniere WhiteBlack
Ashantee SingletonBlack
Austin EaddyBlack
Bakari Jvonne ThomasBlack
Beau CreminsWhite
Benito Islas-HernandezWhite
Benjamin Dwyane BowmanBlack
Benjamin M. WilliamsBlack
Benjamin MojicaBlack
Benjamin SnyderWhite
Brad Larue BowdenBlack
Brad WashingtonBlack
Bradley W. ReedWhite
Braheem J. NicholsBlack
Brandon Jeremy HugillWhite
Brandon M. SimmersWhite
Brent M. SweeneyBlack
Brenton Ashley FordBlack
Brian CorseyBlack
Brian DoukasWhite
Brian Eugene BrodowskiWhite
Brian EvansBlack
Brian Jeffrey DensmoreWhite
Brian K. ThompsonBlack
Brian Mitchell OwensBlack
Brian ParnellBlack
Brian William CallahanWhite
Brittny Lee DespiritoWhite
Bruce Howard ManningWhite
Bryan ByrdBlack
Bryan Joseph DevoeWhite
Brynquise Amir HoggardBlack
Bryon Keith StevensBlack
Bung MacAsian
Calvin Eugene HainesBlack
Calvin GloverBlack
Calvin Isiah ThompsonBlack
Candido Vokdo YoungBlack
Carl David BrickusBlack
Carl GarnettBlack
Carlin Deshawn AlexanderBlack
Carlos HairstonBlack
Carlos J. Garcia-IbarraWhite
Carlton Ray BellBlack
Carnell Anton AbnerBlack
Carnell J. TinsonBlack
Carolina Lemus-AlmanzaWhite
Caron Anthony HillsBlack
Casheem PierceBlack
Catherine KeithlyWhite
Celo Romantico Juarez-CrisostomoWhite
Chad Allen RudolphWhite
Chad Daher MyersWhite
Chandler Gordon ClarkWhite
Charisse ThompsonBlack
Charles R. LintonWhite
Charles Robert GormanWhite
Charles SalzmanWhite
Charlestae A. TaggartBlack
Charmella MorrisBlack
Christian Sanchez-FrancoWhite
Christopher Daniel Rhem-FuentesWhite
Christopher David MyersWhite
Christopher FinnefrockWhite
Christopher HershWhite
Christopher IwanickiWhite
Christopher J. PickardBlack
Christopher Lacho LewisBlack
Christopher Lee GaulWhite
Christopher Michael ChappieWhite
Christopher Michael ForresterWhite
Christopher Michael GuiseppeWhite
Christopher Paul CaughronWhite
Chuck Alexander PhillipsWhite
Ciara Michelle RobinsonBlack
Claude EdwardsBlack
Clayton P. CarterWhite
Cletus HoustonWhite
Clifton BeasleyBlack
Collesha MillerBlack
Connor Aidan QuinnWhite
Corbin Maurice JarrettBlack
Corey Everette MaxeyBlack
Corey LewisBlack
Cortney Dawn HooverWhite
Cory James BakerWhite
Craig Matthew HughesWhite
Cristian EumanaWhite
Crystal Marie FortiniWhite
Curahn Lorenzo CantyBlack
Curtis L. SelfBlack
Curtis T. McCoyWhite
Dale BrisonBlack
Dameon Wayne MeeksBlack
Damion BovellWhite
Damon A. ThomasBlack
Daniel A. BarnettBlack
Daniel Alan ButtsWhite
Daniel Bert ProffittWhite
Daniel Joseph GartonWhite
Daniel RowleyWhite
Dante LawrenceBlack
Daquan GrayBlack
Darnell GreenBlack
Darrell Tyquan WoodwardBlack
Darren LawrenceBlack
Darrick U. HallBlack
Darrius BoldenBlack
Dartrel Eugene JacobsBlack
Daryl L. GlascoBlack
Dashawn Lamorel LondonBlack
Dave KeechWhite
David A. HeuerWhite
David Andrew DesperWhite
David Chavez LopezWhite
David Christophe HillWhite
David Christophe MofieldBlack
David Dale RobinsonWhite
David Dominguez-SanchezWhite
David Elijah PriceBlack
David Eugene RichardsonBlack
David James LeeWhite
David ScottWhite
David Wayne ColeWhite
Deborah Anne KeeleyWhite
Delbert FranklinBlack
Deloyd GarrettBlack
Demetrius FiorentinoBlack
Demetrius LloydBlack
Demetrius Montis JosephBlack
Dennis B. WallerBlack
Dennis L. MillerWhite
Dennis Matthew Petrucci-LongWhite
Derek Jordan SmithBlack
Derek Lee TaneyWhite
Derran Rajan SmithBlack
Derrick Tyrone DuncanBlack
Desean M. ThompsonBlack
Devante Eric LloydBlack
Devin StorfWhite
Diana OrdonezWhite
Diane Denise GroveBlack
Dillon Joseph BurkeWhite
Dimas Omar HernandezWhite
Dion Maurice JohnsonBlack
Dominic John FratangeliWhite
Dominic Phillip PoulsonBlack
Dominique Marshon LeeBlack
Don J. McGuiganWhite
Donald KyleWhite
Douglas LambertBlack
Douglas Leonard KohenWhite
Dowayne MolinaWhite
Dreyon Marquil EcholsBlack
Duane Kevin GlascoBlack
Duron B. PeoplesBlack
Dustin JonesWhite
Dwayne Horace SimmonsBlack
Dwight Hakiem EcholsBlack
Dylan Andrew RileyWhite
Earl Calvin HandfieldBlack
Eddie B. MilamWhite
Eduardo L. AlmonyWhite
Edwar Nestor PintoWhite
Edward J. ObrienWhite
Edward James WrenchWhite
Edward Noah GriffordWhite
Edwin A. HernandezBlack
Edwin Mendez-ReynosoWhite
Efrain MolinaWhite
Eli Omar Mendez-GarciaWhite
Elizabeth PerezWhite
Elliot Kyle KnightBlack
Elliot MaderaWhite
Elliot Q. McDonaldBlack
Emmanuel RenteriaWhite
Enrique Rivera SanchezWhite
Eric CoxryBlack
Eric CruzWhite
Erick DeangelisWhite
Ernest CulbreathBlack
Ernest JohnsonWhite
Eugene Howard DobsonBlack
Evander Hays WilsonBlack
Falandez Monroe JamesBlack
Federico Magana-LunaWhite
Felix CalleWhite
Felix GarzonWhite
Fernando Fermin-MirandaWhite
Floyd James LewisWhite
Foday F. KanuBlack
Francisca ColonWhite
Francisco HernandezWhite
Francisco Javier LemusWhite
Francisco ZamoresWhite
Franklin Eduar Rivera-MendietaWhite
Franklin Macey CurryBlack
Frederick LewisBlack
Fulgencio MartinezWhite
Gabriel LyonsWhite
Gabriel Martinez-MacarioWhite
Gabryele Paige SempleWhite
Gadiel Agosto-DiazWhite
Gary Anthony LewisBlack
Gary BatesBlack
Gary Dean CooperWhite
Gary DoyenBlack
Gary DunbarBlack
Gary L. BrownBlack
Gary Lee FellenbaumWhite
Gary McClainBlack
Gary WaltonWhite
Gaye MorleyWhite
Gaylynn Chris MansfieldBlack
Gene Leroy RogersWhite
Geoffrey ElkingtonWhite
George BatesBlack
George BrintonWhite
George DalieBlack
George DonkewiczWhite
George Francis RissellWhite
Gerald Dwight MyersBlack
Gerald K. KeehnWhite
Gerald L. MadronWhite
Geraldine AlexinasWhite
Gerard Christophe GeterBlack
Gerard CutraraWhite
German Soto-MorenoWhite
Gilbert Correa-RiosWhite
Glenford ThompsonBlack
Glenn Edward GrayWhite
Gordon Daquan StyerBlack
Gregory Allen TwymanBlack
Gregory Arthur ClarkBlack
Gregory C. KastnerWhite
Gregory Carlton ArringtonBlack
Gregory Dean JamisonBlack
Gregory J. WothersWhite
Gregory Paul MarianiWhite
Guillermo Arroyo-BarriosWhite
Hainan ChangAsian
Hakeem SmithBlack
Harold F. FordBlack
Harold Rodriguez-SantiagoWhite
Harold Thomas ZookWhite
Hasan GroveBlack
Hassan Lateef DandridgeBlack
Heraclio Bernal-CruzWhite
Hermain Lopez PerezWhite
Herman VillafaneWhite
Hiram Kenneth ParkerBlack
Homer Richard CliffordWhite
Howard BlanchfieldWhite
Humberto Guzman GarciaWhite
Ian Douglas RuthWhite
Ian Joseph KohnWhite
Ian Matthew DriscollWhite
Ibrahiym Naadir MuhammadBlack
Irvin HawkinsBlack
Ivan ColonWhite
Ivan Javier JimenezWhite
Jabree L. JohnsonOther
Jack MayerWhite
Jacob Matthew MaloneWhite
Jahlique Z. JonesBlack
Jaivon ThomasBlack
Jakui Okeith SelfBlack
Jalin Maurice DillBlack
Jamaine Willie RaynorBlack
Jamal KeysBlack
Jamar James PaschallBlack
Jamar Kendell HollowayBlack
James Allen ColdironWhite
James Anthony BattistaWhite
James Arthur SheltonBlack
James Christophe ArcherWhite
James DavisBlack
James Eric HughesWhite
James Ernest OdumWhite
James Grayson LondonBlack
James H. PiersonWhite
James Jefferson MasonBlack
James Jermaine PottsBlack
James John HvizdaWhite
James Keith DawsonWhite
James KratzWhite
James Leroy LeonardWhite
James Maurice CannavoWhite
James Melvin WeaklandWhite
James Michael FlintWhite
James NixonWhite
James P. CannonWhite
James Patrick FlanaganWhite
James R. WestBlack
James R. YoungWhite
James Thomas JonesWhite
James WrightBlack
Jason Andrew MillerWhite
Jason BrodeWhite
Jason Dwain DeeseWhite
Jason John HernandezWhite
Jason Ray RayfordBlack
Jason SlyvesterWhite
Javier H. RomeroWhite
Javier Rohena-DiazWhite
Jayron Tykeem PerryBlack
Jayronn Lamont HarrisBlack
Jeffrey G. DavisWhite
Jeffrey HernandezWhite
Jeffrey Peter ThompsonWhite
Jeffrey S. EmersonWhite
Jennifer DiceccoWhite
Jeremy M. OatmanWhite
Jermol Jonathan GrayBlack
Jerry Michael McCarraherWhite
Jess Ashley ArnoldWhite
Jesse Lewis JohnsonWhite
Jessica DecletOther
Jesus A. CintoraWhite
Jillian TaitWhite
Jimmy Harris RitstickWhite
Jodi KernsWhite
Joel Jeremias Choc-MaczWhite
John A. BrayBlack
John C. GriffittWhite
John Carrow HicksWhite
John Charles CairnsWhite
John Christophe BrownWhite
John Eric SlaymakerWhite
John F. AndersonBlack
John F. KennedyWhite
John Gabriel Ortiz-CarrWhite
John GaetaWhite
John GonceWhite
John Howard SlaymakerWhite
John J. CookmanWhite
John N. DeveauxBlack
John Pierce HallWhite
John SigismondiWhite
Johnathan M. ReyesWhite
Johnnie BowdenBlack
Johnnie M. BrownBlack
Jonathan Daniel GringWhite
Jonathan J. VennellWhite
Jonathan MalaveWhite
Jonathan Manuel Chavez BarreraWhite
Jonathan Maurice JonesBlack
Jonathan NaylorWhite
Jonathan R. LambertBlack
Jordan JenningsWhite
Jorge L. DavilaWhite
Jorge Paramo MoraWhite
Jose Alfredo Vilchis-NavaWhite
Jose Antonio Diaz-VazquezWhite
Jose David Ramirez CantareroWhite
Jose Dejesus Desantos-BarbaWhite
Jose FigueroaWhite
Jose M. GoinesWhite
Jose Manuel SantiagoWhite
Jose Ramon Beltran-MercadoBlack
Jose Uriel Arreola-OrtizWhite
Joseph C. NicholsonBlack
Joseph Daniel BellomaWhite
Joseph MerrittBlack
Joseph Robert MannWhite
Joseph TaylorBlack
Joseph ThomasBlack
Joseph WallaceWhite
Joshua Adam JanisWhite
Joshua James HanawayWhite
Joshua Lee PhillipsWhite
Joshua Michael GoodingWhite
Josue Antonio Sibrian-SanchezWhite
Josue CervantesWhite
Juan Antonio DejesusWhite
Juan Vargas SantillanWhite
Julianne Stacy LewisWhite
Justin Atchison HarrisBlack
Justin Elliott TyreWhite
Justin Isaiah VargasWhite
Justin PinkneyBlack
Justin R. ColemanWhite
Justin Vivian SaundersBlack
Justin WhiteBlack
Juventino RamirezWhite
Kahlil M. White-TowlesBlack
Kareen BrownBlack
Katie Megan McGarryWhite
Keita BrisbonBlack
Keith E. FulmerWhite
Keith Robert SmithWhite
Kendall Marlon BrownBlack
Kenneth J. ColeBlack
Kenneth Orville BenderWhite
Kevin A. TullosWhite
Kevin Anthony HavelowBlack
Kevin ArtersWhite
Kevin Atiim SpanBlack
Kevin KellyBlack
Kevin LarkinWhite
Kevin Lewis StopfordWhite
Kevin Michael PierceWhite
Kevin Vashaun McKinleyBlack
Keyon La-Shawn CarpenterBlack
Khalif John J. GoldwireBlack
Khalil WatsonBlack
Khemmathat FarissAsian
Kristi FredericksWhite
Kyle JonesWhite
Kyle S. HadrickBlack
Kyle VoAsian
Kylief LondonBlack
Lamar Darrin JohnsonBlack
Lamar S. JonesBlack
Laquanta ChapmanBlack
Lateef Akeem ThomasBlack
Latrice Marie HarringtonBlack
Lavar PalmerBlack
Lawrence ButcherBlack
Lawrence Harold CarrollWhite
Lawrence HurdBlack
Lawrence W. JamiesonWhite
Lazaro Ortiz-BaezWhite
Lee Richard EnderleWhite
Lee Roy BowmanWhite
Lenn T. TuckerBlack
Leon E. MillsBlack
Leon M. MoonBlack
Leonard D. BernardBlack
Leroy Keith MitchellWhite
Leroy Robert McWilliamsWhite
Leslie Anne YergerWhite
Lisa McWilliamsWhite
Lisa MooreWhite
Lloyd A. EastonBlack
Louis J. VitaliWhite
Luis Alfonso MoralesWhite
Luis Antonio Roblero-MendezWhite
Luis Antonio Rodriguez-CruzWhite
Luis Arroyo RiveraWhite
Luis Esteban Legarreta-GalanWhite
Luis F. AdanWhite
Luis Geraldo Cabrera-PeraltaWhite
Luis Guil Zayas-CintronWhite
Luke Ronald HaskinsWhite
Lynntrell HernandezWhite
Magdaleno Perez-MirandaWhite
Makim A. TrolioBlack
Malcolm ParrishBlack
Manuel LorenzoWhite
Manuel Vincente Quiroz-TenelemaWhite
Marc V. SperaWhite
Marcel HayesBlack
Marcos Rodriguez-LopezWhite
Marcus Allen JohnsonWhite
Marcus BrazzleBlack
Marcus James ThomasBlack
Mark Aaron WarrenWhite
Mark Anthony StanleyBlack
Mark MacomberWhite
Mark TurnerWhite
Markease CousinsBlack
Markeith ReddyBlack
Marliessa Armentrout-LopezWhite
Marshone Lemar SteeleBlack
Marvin JacksonBlack
Mason Harris GrayWhite
Matthew EshbachWhite
Matthew Johannes MoserWhite
Matthew L. WatsonWhite
Matthew LeopoldBlack
Matthew R. SteltzerWhite
Matthew Rakeem MyersBlack
Matthew Thomas FerkoWhite
Maurice Leroy ChambersBlack
Mauricio Jose Bedolla-CamachoWhite
Max Bennett CataneoWhite
Maynard Glen ChurchWhite
Melwan Ahmeen AlbertsonBlack
Merritt Neil DudasWhite
Michael Albert PollickWhite
Michael Arthur GilbertBlack
Michael Bryan RodgersWhite
Michael D. DorczukWhite
Michael D. HubbardBlack
Michael Eric KellonWhite
Michael FelicianoBlack
Michael HelwigWhite
Michael Ian PernsleyBlack
Michael J. ZarembaWhite
Michael James KoppleWhite
Michael Jeffrey StaplesWhite
Michael John WhiteWhite
Michael Jose ShortsWhite
Michael Joseph LimogesWhite
Michael Joshua NemethWhite
Michael L. SolitarioWhite
Michael LangeWhite
Michael Levant JohnsonBlack
Michael LlanosBlack
Michael NelsonBlack
Michael Patrick CollasWhite
Michael PetrellaWhite
Michael RichardsonWhite
Michael Ryan LombardiWhite
Michael Ryan RacelisWhite
Michael Shayne BoydWhite
Michael SlaughterBlack
Michael Thomas ColdironWhite
Michael Thomas ShelleyWhite
Michael Tyrone JenkinsBlack
Michael W. FisherWhite
Micheal Sean DonnellyWhite
Michelle HardyBlack
Mickey Santos ColonWhite
Miguel RussiWhite
Mikal Joseph JohnsonBlack
Monique RobinsonBlack
Morgan Marie MengelWhite
Mourad NechabWhite
Mustafa Mikhai ThompsonBlack
Nafis K. JaneyBlack
Nakia Nathaniel PowellBlack
Namir Razak ButcherBlack
Naseer Jerome MoultrieBlack
Nathan E. NavarreteWhite
Nathan Tyler BrooksWhite
Nathan WestleyBlack
Nathaniel Roy LewisWhite
Neftali ValentinWhite
Nelson LugoWhite
Nelson OrtizWhite
Nichol LeeBlack
Nicholas Anthony DietrichWhite
Nicholas Anthony MariglianoWhite
Nicholas Gabriel SpadaroWhite
Nicholas NattleWhite
Nicholas Ryan AltmanWhite
Nicholas W. KlineWhite
Nickolas John MatuskyWhite
Nigel CarterBlack
Noel NievesWhite
Norman H. McDonaldWhite
Norman JohnstonWhite
Nyfeis Joseph Saq LightyBlack
Odell Quarn CannonBlack
Omega PeoplesBlack
Orlando Dale MillerBlack
Oscar A. CintoraWhite
Oscar Daniel MartinezWhite
Oscar LugoWhite
Pablo ColonWhite
Patrick Aaron PerryBlack
Patrick L. HicksonBlack
Paul Anthony BerryBlack
Paul Anthony LorettoWhite
Paul Matthew DempseyWhite
Pedro Mendez-AlavezWhite
Peter Allen TreadwayWhite
Phillip WashingtonBlack
Rakem Ahmad AkbarBlack
Randall R. HarnerWhite
Randy J. SwiftWhite
Randy Lee BostonWhite
Rashaan Earl WilliamsBlack
Rashea Lavern HammondBlack
Raul CastroWhite
Raymond Lafentice ReasonBlack
Raymond LyonsBlack
Renada MyersBlack
Rey Mundi Seda VargasWhite
Reymundo SantiagoBlack
Reynaldo DejesusWhite
Ricardo Duran RiveraWhite
Richard A. ColemanWhite
Richard Alexander MartinoWhite
Richard Allen MaitreWhite
Richard Bryan MooreWhite
Richard George ThomasWhite
Richard PhippsBlack
Richard YoungWhite
Rickey R. WashingtonBlack
Ricky LoweBlack
Robbie WhartonWhite
Robert Anthony JacksonBlack
Robert Dean CaesarWhite
Robert Edward ByrdBlack
Robert Elwood LandisWhite
Robert H. WeaklandWhite
Robert HughesWhite
Robert Jackson HesterWhite
Robert Leonard McCoyWhite
Robert Lewis BaileyWhite
Robert McNeilBlack
Robert Rackeed ZiglarBlack
Robert Rasheed FloodBlack
Robert Stephen FlemingWhite
Robert T. LewisBlack
Roberto CamachoWhite
Rodney Bryant SaxonBlack
Roger Dale WilcoxWhite
Roger William GuntherWhite
Ronald DawsonWhite
Ronald FordBlack
Ronald L. TaylorWhite
Ronald Malcolm BattersWhite
Ronald Terry SmithBlack
Ronald TwymanBlack
Ronald William HumphriesWhite
Rory Thomas McGuirkWhite
Roy Eugene EllerWhite
Ruben Junior PaganWhite
Ryan Corey BaileyBlack
Sabin Sanders SuberBlack
Saivon Shalir FountainWhite
Saleem D. WilliamsBlack
Salvador AvalosWhite
Salvador Lemus-LopezWhite
Samuel D. HubertBlack
Samuel E. SmithWhite
Samuel Paul VansantWhite
Samuel Pou SolarBlack
Samuel Theodore TwymanBlack
Santanna Siheei McMillanBlack
Santiago Salgado-OchoaWhite
Santiago Senquir-GarciaBlack
Santos Benites-EstradaWhite
Saul AlvarezWhite
Saul D. WilsonBlack
Saul S. CabaWhite
Scott Allen MontagWhite
Scott T. BrownBlack
Sean Ryan DeckerWhite
Sebastian Garcia-MendezWhite
Sergio Esteban Rivera-NorrisWhite
Shakeem Lavar CarterBlack
Shalor Arthur McCoyWhite
Shamar Darius AlexanderBlack
Shamone F. WoodsBlack
Shamone Otae KennedyBlack
Shane DoughertyWhite
Shane Thomas GustafsonWhite
Shawn Allen VandersliceWhite
Shawn Paul ArnoldWhite
Shawn WestcottBlack
Shelly GauglerWhite
Sheron Jalen PurnellBlack
Sherron BurgessBlack
Stacie Marie RhoadesWhite
Stacy GilbertWhite
Stephan DejesusBlack
Stephen Joseph BuxtonWhite
Stephen Mark ClarkeWhite
Stephen MaugeriWhite
Stephen Michael ShappellWhite
Steven AccorWhite
Steven AdamsBlack
Steven Dontae PittmanBlack
Steven Donte PittmanBlack
Steven Matthew WarrenBlack
Steven Michael ClarkBlack
Stevenson Kelly HooperWhite
Synclare LittleWhite
Taja Woo Wuanye RichardsBlack
Taryeann Aja DavidsonWhite
Teron Dupree LewisBlack
Terrance Lee FordhamBlack
Terrance Maurice MaxieBlack
Terrance Russell FryeBlack
Terron Lazris GoinsBlack
Terry Allen PhillipsWhite
Terry Jermaine GardnerBlack
Thadius Lee HoskinsWhite
Thomas A. WalshWhite
Thomas Adam GrigasWhite
Thomas Charles EwellWhite
Thomas Conrad AltmanWhite
Thomas E. ButcavageWhite
Thomas Kevin SchindlerWhite
Thomas MuirWhite
Thyshawn ThompsonBlack
Timothy Eugene SmithWhite
Timothy Karon DepteBlack
Timothy L. MitchellBlack
Timothy Lee JacobsBlack
Timothy Manning GormanWhite
Timothy S. KleinfelterWhite
Todd McKee ReeseWhite
Todd Michael SchastWhite
Tomas Guadarrama-NajerasWhite
Torre Chris RandolphBlack
Travas Qwen Quail-MurreyBlack
Travis Anthony ButlerWhite
Travis HillBlack
Travis HippleWhite
Tremayne Shatu StyerBlack
Trent Anthony HuganBlack
Trent Larelle JacksonBlack
Trent Maurice TrammellBlack
Trey Lee PlummerBlack
Troy Robert KassaBlack
Tyler AdamsBlack
Tyler George YocumWhite
Tyler Keith FountainBlack
Tyler SnyderWhite
Tyquan Jammal DavisBlack
Tyree Eric MansellBlack
Tyreek A. BrickusBlack
Tyrell A. WinchesterBlack
Tyrell Jamar JonesBlack
Tyrell Khalil JacobsBlack
Victor Anthony DuonnoloWhite
Victor Earl ThomasBlack
Victor Jerome JacksonBlack
Victoria Angelique DavisBlack
Vincent A. MusticoWhite
Vincent R. BoromeoWhite
Walter B. MorrisBlack
Warren Earl YergerWhite
Wayne Fredrick WarwickWhite
Wilfredo H. AcevadoWhite
William Anthony BrownBlack
William Blaine CornetteWhite
William C. HuylerWhite
William Curtis ShockleyBlack
William Darryl WatsonBlack
William E. JonesWhite
William Francis NullWhite
William Horac StrodeWhite
William J. TraynorWhite
William Lee RhoadsWhite
William LewisBlack
William LockmanBlack
William MendezWhite
William Richard MarshWhite
William Stephen JandaWhite
William Taeshaw GardnerBlack
Yvonne SinghWhite
Zachary Aaron GathercoleBlack
Zachary David LudwigWhite
Zachery Dale JordanWhite
Zahir LoperBlack
Zarwea Lellah SehneahBlack
Zavala Jose RodriguezWhite
Zion Isaiah ShockleyBlack